Wills, Estate Planning, Trusts, Professional Executorship and Trustee Services
“Private clients appreciate the personal touch from reliable experts they can trust. Families have trusted Fairchild Greig for generations, some dating back to when our practice was first established in 1884.”
Today, our private client practitioners advise individuals, families, executors and trustees on the full range of private client matters. Our services now include professional executorship of Wills and trusteeship of estate assets through Fairchild Greig Trusts Ltd, a dedicated non-profit company designed to facilitate long-term succession planning with the extra peace of mind that comes from being regulated directly by HM Revenue & Customs.
Why clients like working with us
We understand clients come to us when facing life-changing situations or difficult decisions, so we offer advice and support that is both empathetic and effective. Our approach is detail-focused, ensuring we provide a tailored solution that meets the needs of our clients. But what makes us different is severalfold.
Firstly, we go beyond just law and tax considerations. We take pride in getting to know our client’s personal needs and wants, often on an emotional level, and pursue them as if they were our own.
Once we know you and understand the desired outcomes and benefits you seek, we work collaboratively with a full range of practice partners to formulate outcome-based plans for the short, medium and long term.
For example, you may require private client specialisms to help with such things as the preparation of Wills, tax and estate planning; however, we can go further. We work with our company of practice partners to offer broader expertise that underpins your interests with things such as forming a holding company for property renovation and management, professional project management of such renovation work, or the setting up and running of a family office for managing your investments and assets in the UK and abroad.
Results focused
By building a relationship based on an in-depth knowledge of your situation and concerns, we foster mutual trust across our company of practice partners to not just advise but also manage the delivery of casework through which to achieve your desired outcomes and benefits on time and within budget.
What we can help you with
Fairchild Greig & Co. provides a wide range of services to ‘ordinary’ and high net worth individuals and families. We pride ourselves on investing the same time and care to help clients with little to no assets as we do when assisting ultra-high net worth families with complex estates across international jurisdictions. Our Demand & Delivery Managers will ensure a friendly and approachable team can advise and assist you on a broad range of matters, including but not limited to: –

Head of Estate Planning